Bastien Blasser


Looking for work

Cat Dad and Horror Lover
Ready to join your team as Game Designer ! 

Bastien Blasser |
Game Designer 
Cat Dad and Horror Lover
Ready to join your team !





Games that Inspired me

Work experience

Aix-En-Provence, France
July 2023 - Ongoing

Latest projects

July 2023 - September 2023
Operation Wolf Returns : First Mission
Railshooter by Virtuallyz Gaming
July 2023
I'm a Healer,but...
48 hours 2023 GMTK Game Jam
January 2023
Western horror combat prototype


Exploring shipwrecks - Witnessing marine life up close - Protecting and preserving ecosystems
Japanese Culture 04 Oct @ 6:21pm 
Embracing the kaizen philosophy - Traditional art forms like estampes - Anime and manga influence
Immersing in diverse cultures - Captivating historical sites - Indulging in local cuisine

Looking for work

Hard Skills (6)
Unreal Engine
Soft Skills (5)
Critical thinking
Education (3)

Game design Bachelor Degree 2020-2023

Acfa Multimédia

Experience in Sound Design 2018-2019​

High School Diploma

Diploma Economics and Social Sciences 2018

Copyright © 2023 by Ocrano & Blasser Bastien

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About me :

Hi, my name is Bastien Blasser and my goal is to become one of the best game designer in the video game industry!
My love of video games began with my first game, Starsky & Hutch (2003), which aroused my curiosity and marked the start of a passion that has never left me.

When I discovered the DS console, I plunged into the captivating worlds of Zelda, Mario and Pokémon.

After that, I also discovered the world of Mmorpgs with World of Warcraft, Everquest and Dofus. Today, I’m still very interested in this type of game, and my favorite is Final Fantasy XIV.

During my teenage years, I also discovered the Japanese culture through mangas such as “City Hunter” (Nicky Larson), “One Piece” (especially its worldbuilding) and “Another”, which fed my creativity.

I also developed an interest in horror thanks to games like Silent Hill 2, which made me realize that fear isn’t just about jump scares, but relies on atmosphere, sound design and tension.

After high school, I explored sound design, but soon realized that my real passion lay in game design. I immersed myself in the study of game mechanics, storytelling and world design. Today, as a freshly graduated game designer, I’m determined to push back the boundaries of creativity in the video game industry. I want to create captivating games and offer unique experiences to players! I’ve still got a long way to go before I reach my goal, but I’m going to do my best until I reach it !